Where Shavasana meets Nature Connection


Imagine yourself laying on your back and being guided on a series of journeys through your senses, body and the Earth. With a series of nature-based visualizations, a technique called Rotation of Consciousness and nature soundscapes, your mind, emotions and body are relaxing in such a deep way that you may feel more refreshed than after a couple of hours of sleep. This is the power of EcoNIDRA™, a practice based on the ancient yoga nidra and nature connection practices with scientifically proven healing and transformational effects. Are you ready to relax and re-energize the entire ecosystem of your body and mind?


  • 01

    Preparing for your Relaxing Experience

    • Welcome

    • About EcoNIDRA™

    • How to enjoy your EcoNIDRA™ session

  • 02

    Your EcoNIDRA™ Session

    • Your EcoNIDRA™ Session (50min)

  • 03

    Reflection and Integration

    • Writing Prompts to Reflect and Integrate

  • 04

    Even Deeper

    • Even Deeper


Instructor Bio:

Kat is the founder and teacher of EcoNIDRA™. Kat's passion and mission are to help people reconnect with nature, with themselves and others, by focusing on deep relaxation, slowing down, the heart intelligence and the relationship between humans and the planet. As a certified Forest Therapy Guide, Kat has guided more than 420 groups in both private and corporate settings. As a former Forest Therapy trainer (ANFT) and EcoNIDRA founder, she has trained about 230 Forest Therapy guides and 140+ EcoNIDRA teachers to spread this connective work even more. As a Chair of the European Council of the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy, Kat has served to nourish the community of European Forest Therapy guides. Kat has more than two decades of experience in teaching adult students in both private and InCompany settings. She is trained in Yoga Nidra, Forest Therapy, Holistic Nutrition, Cross-Cultural Communication, and is using her skills, gifts and passion to help improve the wellbeing of humans and the rest of nature.

Kat Mertens

Founder, Certified EcoNIDRA™ Teacher